These pages contain information from Los Alamos reports: LA-UR 97-1200, 98-489, 98-2227, 98-1150, 98-2549

The Symbiotic Intelligence Project
Self-Organizing Knowledge on Distributed Networks Driven by Human Interaction
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Documents Related to the Symbiotic IntelligenceProject

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New postings

Grass-Roots Gurus Funds - a practical application of symbiotic intelligence
A popular article about how online communties literally playing in the stock market are the source for investments for mutual funds (for example, The article closes with a summary of how Norman Johnson's work might explain the better performance of the collectives, even though they don't have experts.
by Brian Knestout, Kiplinger's Personal Finance (p, 46-50, July 2001).

Diversity in Decentralized Systems:Enabling Self-Organizing Solutions by N.L. Johnson. Presented at the Decentralization II Conference, UCLA, November 19-20, 1999 (LA-UR 99-6281) PDF file (168K).

This paper was presented to a group of social scientists (anthropology, political science, economics, business, etc.) concerned with how decentralization influences the functioning of organizations. This paper contains careful definitions of terms, such as agent, local/global, robust/fragile, self-organizing, chaotic/stable, diversity and common world view (context). The advantages and disadvantages of decentralized systems are presented.

Developmental Insights into Evolving Systems: Roles of Diversity, Non-Selection, Self-Organization, Symbiosis by N.L. Johnson. In Artificial Life VII, M. Bedau, Ed. MIT Press, Cambridge, 2000 (LA-UR-00-844) PDF file (397K).

Overview of Project and Subject Area

Grass-Roots Gurus Funds - a practical application of symbiotic intelligence
A popular article about how online communties literally playing in the stock market are the source for investments for mutual funds (for example, The article closes with a summary of how Norman Johnson's work might explain the better performance of the collectives, even though they don't have experts.
by Brian Knestout, Kiplinger's Personal Finance (p, 46-50, July 2001).
Global Brain
A popular article about the future of the Internet (includes text from interviews with Norman Johnson and other LANL staff).
by Michael Brooks, New Scientist (June 24, 2000).
A New Paradigm for Organizing Businesses (an interview with Norman Johnson)
by John Makulowich, February 22, 1999 in Washington Technology
Self-Organizing Knowledge Systems: Enabling Diversity
by N. Johnson, for 4th Annual Desktop Collaboration Conference & Exposition, 11-14 May 1999, Founders Inn, Virginia Beach, VA (LA-UR-99-1724). Presentation and paper available.
New Frontiers in Collective Problem Solving
by N. Johnson, S. Rasmussen and M. Kantor. Published in Theoretical Division -- Self-Assessment, Special Feature, May 1998 (LA-UR 98-1150). This document is the reproduced as the main summary on the Home Page.
Symbiotic Intelligence: Self-organizing knowledge on distributed networks driven by human interactions
by N. Johnson, S. Rasmussen, C. Joslyn, L. Rocha, S. Smith and M. Kantor. Appears in 6th Artificial Life Conference '98, eds. C. Adami, et al., MIT Press (1998) - (LA-UR 98-489). PDF file (47K), Postscript (141K).
Research Directions for the Next Generation Internet: Emergent Knowledge on the Internet
by M. Kantor and N. Johnson. White Paper presented at Next Generation Internet (NGI) Meeting NGI document (9K) April 1997. (LA-UR-97-1200).


Diversity Processes in Social, Economic and Biological Systems

Developmental Insights into Evolving Systems: Roles of Diversity, Non-Selection, Self-Organization, Symbiosis
by N.L. Johnson. In Artificial Life VII, M. Bedau, Ed. MIT Press, Cambridge, 2000 (LA-UR-00-844) PDF file (397K).
Diversity in Decentralized Systems:Enabling Self-Organizing Solutions
by N.L. Johnson. Presented at the Decentralization II Conference, UCLA, November 19-20, 1999 (LA-UR 99-6281) PDF file (168K).

The Importance of Diversity: Reconciling natural selection and non-competitive processes

by N.L. Johnson. New York Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Washington Evolutionary System Conference: Emergent Organizations and their Dynamics, University of Gent, Belgium, May 3-5, 1999. PDF file (125K) (LA-UR-99-3048).

The Science of Social Diversity

by N.L. Johnson and V.A. Longmire. Published in Theoretical Division -- Self-Assessment, Special Feature, May 1999 (LA-UR 99-336) PDF file (49K).

Diversity and Optimality

by Lu Hong and Scott E. Page from Department of Economics, Syracuse University and Department of Economics, University of Iowa. Submitted for publication in 1998, available here by authors' permission. PDF file (383K). Also see the companion paper in the next section.

Collective Problem Solving Simulations or Web Studies

Collective Problem Solving: Functionality beyond the Individual
by N.L. Johnson. Original May 1998, rewritten 11/98. PDF file (312K), Postscript (1000K), Zipped Postscript (330K) (LA-UR-98-2227) .

Problem Solving by Heterogeneous Agents

by Lu Hong and Scott E. Page from Department of Economics, Syracuse University and Department of Economics, University of Iowa. Submitted for publication in 1997, available here by authors' permission. PDF file (431K).

Diversity and Optimality

by Lu Hong and Scott E. Page from Department of Economics, Syracuse University and Department of Economics, University of Iowa. Submitted for publication in 1998, available here by authors' permission. PDF file (383K).

Semantic Representations and Development:

Semantic Webs: A Cyberspatial Representational Form for Cybernetics
by Cliff Joslyn. Published in Proc. 1996 European Conf. on Cybernetics and Systems Research, ed. R. Trappl, Vienna, v. 2, pp. 905-910 (1996). Postscript.
Semantic Representations for Collaborative, Distributed Scientific Information Systems
by Cliff Joslyn, John Hogden, Marianna Kantor and Norman Johnson, funding proposal for LDRD-IP grant (1997).

Methods for Capturing Cognitive Categorization:
Categorizing Databases, Evidence Sets, and Evolutionary Constructivism
By L. Rocha Submitted to International Journal of Human-Machine Studies. (Web page with links to documents).

Methods of Self-Organizing Semantic Content:
Simulations of Evolving Embodied Semiosis: Emergent Semantics in Artificial Environments
by L. Rocha and C. Joslyn  from The Proceedings of the 1998 Conference on VirtualWorlds and Simulation 1998. Landauer C. and K.L. Bellman (Eds). The Society for Computer Simulation International, pp. 233-238. (Web page with links to documents.)

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